CfA Research Experiences in Astronomy, Technology, and Engineering (CREATE)

CfA Research Experiences in Astronomy, Technology, & Engineering (CREATE) is an internship program for talented undergraduate science majors from partner organizations in the Boston-area and beyond.
The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) offers a variety of undergraduate research experiences to students from partner organizations and institutions through the CfA Research Experiences in Astronomy, Technology, and Engineering (CREATE). CREATE provides summer internships for at least six students within the consortium annually. The CREATE program places a high priority on providing interns with a supportive environment for them to develop and advance their career ambitions and goals. Students in the program are provided multiple mentors through a mentoring network built from the CfA community. Students learn to perform research with a dedicated research advisor. Students develop general research and professional skills through a series of specialized seminars.
Given the broad range of activities at the CfA, CREATE can offer experiences not only in Astronomy, but across the STEM fields, from mathematics to STEM communication. We welcome undergraduate STEM from an equally wide range of backgrounds.
The CREATE program is open to current undergraduate science majors from our partner institutions. Preference is given to students in their sophomore and junior years as students may be invited to continue on a project at the conclusion of their internship. Additionally, internship assignments require preliminary coursework or skill requirements common to undergraduate students in their second or third year of study.
Students will be notified directly by the Program Coordinators about their acceptance into the internship program. This notification will be provided in April or earlier.
Length of Appointment
CREATE internships occur over a 10-week period starting June 2nd and ending in August 8th. Participants must be available for the duration of the program. Following the completion of the program, students will be invited and supported to present their research at a national conference (e.g., American Astronomical Society, SACNAS, AGU, etc.). Students are expected to spend 35 hours a week at the Center for Astrophysics during the summer months.
Students receive a stipend of $800/week during the 10-week internship program. Dormitory housing in the Boston-area is provided at no charge during the 10-week internship program. Travel costs to arrive at CfA for the start of the program and to return to the students primary location at the end of the program will be provided. Travel will be arranged with the CfA and must be purchased by the CfA. Travel for the national conference will also be covered by the CfA for all participants.
Expectations from Students
Students will spend 35 hours during the week on their internship in the summer. In the summer months, students are expected to participate in the professional development seminars and regular meetings with their mentoring network. Finally, students are expected to present their research to the CfA community at the end of their summertime. Students are provided with instruction, support, and practice sessions to prepare their presentations.
Deadline for Applications: March 7, 2025
Application deadline is March 7th and applicant selection will begin by March 7th, however, applications can be accepted until April 1st but may not receive consideration if the available positions are already filled.
Applications require a nomination from CREATE coordinators and/or partner organizations. To receive a nomination, contact the CREATE Program Coordinators ( and provide the materials listed below.
Materials for Nomination
To receive a nomination for the CREATE program, you must provide the following information as PDF files:
- CV/Resume: Please provide a current CV or resume. CV must include your current institution, major, and level (sophomore, junior, etc.), relevant work/research experience, and existing skills with an estimate of proficiency in the listed skills (novice, expert, etc.). Note: having expert skills is not a requirement as we provide training opportunities.
- Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
Once you have received a nomination, you will be directed to a full application portal that will collect additional information, including a personal essay about your interest in STEM, potential research area(s), and desired personal outcomes from the internship.
How do I know if I can apply?
Applications to the program are limited to students enrolled in undergraduate programs at our partner organizations. Our partner organizations include schools in the UMass System, Worcester State University, San Antonio College, and the University of Texas at San Antonio.
How do I apply?
Applications require a nomination from CREATE coordinators and/or partner organizations. To receive a nomination, contact the CREATE Program Coordinators ( and provide the materials listed under "Apply".
I am an international student, can I apply?
No, at this time, international students are not eligible for CREATE internships. Students must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
When is the deadline?
The deadline is March 7th, 2025.
What format is required for uploading files?
Files should be in PDF format. If this is not possible, another word processing document might be acceptable (Word, Paper, etc.).
Can I edit my application?
You may resubmit required materials as often as needed.
How will I know if all my nomination materials have been received?
We will acknowledge received materials in timely manner (in most cases, within 2-3 business days).
What should I do if I notice an error in my materials after I submit it?
Until the deadline, you can resubmit the materials to make corrections.
What if I decide to withdraw my application?
If you want to withdraw your application, send an email to stating your full name and that you wish to withdraw.
What if I have other questions?
Please send an email inquiry to us at
I have sent my nomination materials, now what?
The Program Coordinators at the CfA will review your nomination materials and notify you if you are eligible to continue the application process. If you are eligible, you will directed to Smithsonian web portal to complete the application.
How do I get notified of my acceptance into the Program?
The Program Coordinators at the CfA will first contact you to set up a virtual online interview, following the completion of all interviews, the Program Coordinators will notify you by email of your outcome.
How many hours a week do I spend as an intern at the Observatory?
Students work 35 hours during the summer from the first week of June until typically the second week of August. Each intern will work with their research advisor(s) and mentoring network to schedule regular meetings. There is flexibility with your schedule but it must be approved by your research advisor.
How do I get paid?
Interns get paid a stipend of $800/week over the 10-week summer program. The stipend payments will be made in installments over the summer period.
Do I have the opportunity to present my research?
Yes, at the end of your summer research experience, generally in the second week of August you will have the opportunity to present your research at the CfA. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to present your research at a national conference appropriate to your research area and research advisor’s recommendation (e.g., American Astronomical Society, SACNAS, AGU, etc.).
CREATE Program Coordinators