The H3 Stellar Spectroscopic Survey
The H3 Survey is answering the question: how did the Milky Way Galaxy grow and assemble over cosmic time? To answer this question, a group of scientists at the CfA and the University of Arizona are mapping the outer limits of the Galaxy with >200,000 stars observed with the 6.5m MMT telescope in Arizona.
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Science Goals
The H3 Survey will unravel the assembly history of the Galaxy by addressing the following key science questions:
- Identify and characterize disrupting and disrupted dwarf galaxies in the Milky Way stellar halo using both phase space information and chemistry.
- Measure the outer mass profile of the Galaxy and the shape of the dark matter halo.
- Understand the transition between the thick stellar disk and the stellar halo.
Big Questions
Research Topics
Science Fields
- Ana Bonaca
- Nelson Caldwell
- Phillip Cargile
- Charlie Conroy
- Benjamin Johnson
- GyuChul Myeong
- Rohan Naidu
- Jiwon Han