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Ramprasad Rao

  • Submillimeter Array
  • Radio and Geoastronomy


I am a scientist, astronomer, and an engineer with the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian at the Submillimeter Array (SMA) on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. I specialize in conducting polarization observations at submillimeter wavelengths. Polarization is a characteristic signature of magnetic fields and can be used to study a wide variety of astrophysical processes. 

Doctoral Research and Thesis

The official title of this dissertation is "Measurement of magnetic fields from linear polarization of dust emission". This thesis was done at the Department of Astronomy of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It deals with polarization with the erstwhile BIMA interferometer array operating at millimeter wavelengths. The BIMA array later became part of the CARMA telescope which is now not operational anymore.

Here is a PDF copy of my Ph. D. Thesis.

The ADS Link for this thesis is ADS Link to Thesis.


Here is a link to my official webpage  --  Ramprasad Rao's CfA Webpage.